Jawa Pos Multimedia (Balikpapan)

Also known as BTV, Balikpapan TV

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Jawa Pos Multimedia (Balikpapan)

Jawa Pos Multimedia (Balikpapan) is a vibrant TV channel that caters to the diverse interests of the local community in Balikpapan. With a focus on delivering informative and entertaining content, this channel offers a wide range of programs that cover news, lifestyle, culture, and more.

Informative Content

Stay updated with the latest news and current events in Balikpapan and beyond. From local happenings to global trends, Jawa Pos Multimedia keeps viewers informed and engaged.

Entertaining Programs

Enjoy a variety of entertaining shows that cater to different tastes and preferences. Whether you're into music, movies, or lifestyle content, there's something for everyone on Jawa Pos Multimedia.

Cultural Insights

Explore the rich cultural heritage of Balikpapan through special programs that showcase local traditions, art, and history. Gain a deeper understanding of the community and its unique identity.

Experience the best of Balikpapan's TV landscape with Jawa Pos Multimedia, your go-to channel for quality content and engaging storytelling.